Welcome to my new site!

Welcome! I have long had a web site for my professional life, but now that my faith journey is taking on a bigger role in my life, I decided to create a separate site for it. This way, I can stop pestering all my friends & family with articles that I see, sermon podcasts, and other things on my mind. It will all be in one place. If you want email updates, you can sign up for them (see sidebar). I don’t expect to post more than once a week, probably less.

Suffering Together

Preached on November 11, 2018. Based on 1 Kings 17:8-16.

Words Are Necessary!

Preached on September 16, 2018. Based on Isaiah 50:4-9; Mark 8:27-38; and James 3:1-12.

The Maintenance of Divine Worship

Preached on June 17, 2018. Based on Hebrews 9:1-10 and John 4:7-9, 16-27. This was an entry in a sermon series on the Great Ends of the Church.

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