Get Ready to Party!

LGBTQ Rolla Launches!

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about what I could do to help the LGBTQ+ community in greater Rolla. I’m a straight, cisgender man, so I’m clearly not a part of that community, which inherently limits my possible contributions. But I have resources and a desire to help, so for the past year I’ve been more seriously looking at needs.

The needs I’ve been able to identify are:

  • Dedicated space. Someday, I hope that there is an LGBTQ+ resource center in town, a place people can go to just “be.” I suspect that there are some businesses in town that sort of fill that role, but not in an overt and dedicated way.
  • Education and awareness for the larger community. From the “alphabet soup” of the acronym (LGBTQQIAA…), to the prevalence in the population, to the legal rights (or lack thereof), people who are straight and cisgender often have NO IDEA what the reality is. I see this piece as something that I can particularly contribute to, being an educator by profession as well as someone who is still partially (even mostly) clueless and therefore able to empathize.
  • Visibility, of both the LGBTQ+ community and allies. Someday, I hope it’s non-controversial for someone to fly a rainbow flag. Someday, I hope that when a teenager comes out, they know they’re not alone. Someday, I hope that someone gay or transgender can confidently go to a doctor or other service provider with no fear that they will be treated poorly. Someday, I hope that talking about sexual orientation and gender identity is just normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Someday.
  • Financial support. This idea came from a non-binary person I’ve been working with. They recognize that gender-affirming medical services are expensive and often not covered by insurance. I’m looking into mechanisms that can be used without running afoul of the IRS.

We were all keyed up to have an event today. This is LGBTQ+ History Month. October 11 is National Coming Out Day. We were going to have an educational afternoon, with discussions of the alphabet soup, legal issues, medical issues, and so forth. Ultimately, though, the pandemic forced us to delay. We discussed having a remote version, but that would not accomplish the visibility and community formation goals we have.

So, right now, we just have a Facebook page and a Twitter account (@LgbtqRolla). Better than nothing, but not really enough. We need to get some content out so that people will really engage with it and start forming a little bit of a community. Then someday, maybe we can meet up in person. I’m open to suggestions of other ways to get things started.