All Are Welcome?

All are welcome! Come on in, worship with us.

All are welcome! Waityou’re gay? Well, you can still worship with us, but of course you can’t join our church.

All are welcome! We’d be happy to chat with you about why your sins are so much worse than our sins.

All are welcome! I guess you can join our church, but only if you remain celibate. We know it’s tough to go through life without a romantic partner, but that’s the price of admission here.

All are welcome! Oh, and of course you can’t serve in any leadership positions. I mean, we don’t even let women preach and teach, let alone gay people. And transgenders? (Or whatever they call themselves.) Of course not them.

You are welcome! Straight, cis, white man? Great! None of the above? Great! We affirm your worth regardless of your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We are all equal before God.

You are welcome! We value your different life experiences. They give us a better picture of the glory of God.

You are welcome! We are sorry that other churches have hurt you. Come, join us and heal.

You are welcome! Oh, and we’d love to have you as an officer, or Sunday school teacher. We even have the occasional opportunity to preach, if that’s how you are called. We have opportunities for each person to live out their calling, and believe that all people have gifts to offer God’s people.

You are welcome! You are a beloved child of God. Come join us in helping to exhibit God’s reign. Come be a part of Christ’s body. Come be a part of God’s family.

38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39