These Are the End Times

Preached at First Presbyterian Church of Rolla. Based on Luke 21:5-19.

Right now, as we speak, sixteen nations are considered to be at war. The two that we hear about in the news are Russia and Ukraine, of course. Looking at the list I found, those are the only nations that fall into the pattern of “nation verses nation.” Yet other nations, from Afghanistan to Yemen, are experiencing civil wars and terrorist insurgencies. For example, northeastern Africa has widespread violence: a civil war in Somalia, a civil war in Ethiopia that has involvement from Eritrea, terrorist insurgency in Sudan, and ethnic violence in South Sudan, which only earned its independence a decade ago.

I looked at a list of “significant” earthquakes from USGS for the last year. I started copying the list but gave up after the second page. Just in the US, there have been significant earthquakes in Hawaii, Alaska, California, Oregon, South Carolina, and Georgia. Wikipedia indicates that there have been 1427 fatalities in 2022 due to earthquakes, with 1163 caused by a single earthquake in Afghanistan in June.

Then I looked at a list of the world’s hungriest countries. Many nations in Africa are struggling, some because of a history of war and ethnic conflict, others due to climatic changes. Closer to home, Haiti is experiencing substantial hunger after a series of earthquakes and hurricanes, which ravaged a nation that has a history of poor agricultural management and poor government.

Meanwhile, the world is still struggling with COVID-19. To date, this disease has claimed 6.6 million lives worldwide, close to one person of every thousand. Here in Rolla, we don’t talk about the pandemic very much, but it has certainly impacted our community and our institutions, including this church.

These are indeed the end times! Wars and insurrections, earthquakes, famines, plagues. About ten minutes of news will make you think the world is coming apart at its seams. Even America, long a bastion of democracy and the world’s leading power, seems to be struggling. A poll that I saw on election day indicated that 69% of Americans are worried about the future of our democracy. I recently listened to an audiobook called The Four Threats. It argued that there are four conditions that threaten democracy: political polarization, debates over the boundaries of inclusion in the political process, economic inequality, and excessive executive power. Of course, the book argued that the four threats have coincided today like never before.

But the book also described past episodes when democracy was in peril. They mentioned the 1950s and ‘60s as a time of relative health, but remember that the 1960s saw the assassinations of a president, an attorney general, and two civil rights leaders, all capped off in 1970 by the Kent State Massacre. Maybe there were other signs of health, but there were signs of trouble as well.

Stepping back a couple of decades, we often think of FDR as a great president who piloted the nation through difficult times, and there is truth to that. However, his presidency also saw the biggest increase in executive power, flirting with autocracy, as he instituted quasi-socialist programs, all in defense against fascism and communism.

The worst episode for our democracy was in the 1860s, but in 1800, it was uncertain we would even have a democracy. The 1790s were a time when the Federalist party was in control. In 1800, the Electoral College was split, so the presidential choice was thrown to the House of Representatives. They took THREE MONTHS to agree to transfer power to Thomas Jefferson and his Republicans (the party that is now called the Democrats).

It is tempting to think that we are unique in our struggles, but actually, wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues have been the norm throughout human history. Another audiobook I listened to recently was set in England in the 1300s. That century started off with the Great Famine in 1315, which also had a couple of recurrences. The Hundred Years’ War between England and France started in 1337. The Black Death hit in 1348. Altogether, the famine and plague killed about half of England’s population, yet the Hundred Years’ War continued until 1453. Bleak times indeed.

Jesus’s ministry occurred during another bleak time, which only got worse. Judea had been an independent nation just a century earlier, but was then ruled by the Roman Empire. Insurrection was in the air—the Zealots, such as the Apostle Simon the Zealot, advocated a violent solution. Other parties like the Sadducees advocated appeasement and cooperation. Everything came to a head in the late 60s, and then Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 CE. This indeed seemed like the end of the world for Judaism.

But it wasn’t. There wouldn’t be another independent Jewish state until 1948, but Judaism wasn’t destroyed—just changed. Two major religions came out of the crucible of this destruction. The Pharisees led a change to what we know as rabbinic Judaism. They started to assemble the Talmud, a collection of rabbinic teachings about the Torah. The Hebrew Bible that we know today began to crystallize. Meanwhile, Christianity began to coalesce into a distinct, recognizable religion. Followers of the Way realized that they had better write down what Jesus had taught, resulting in the four canonical Gospels and the diversity of epistles that eventually were chosen for inclusion in the New Testament, as well as many other non-canonical writings.

In fact, one could argue that Christianity as we know it today would not exist if Jerusalem had not been destroyed. Up until that time, Judaism comprised several sects: Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, Christians, and probably others whose names I don’t know. Everything in Jewish life revolved around the Temple, just as other religions had temples for their gods. They didn’t worship an idol as in those other temples, but they still believed in the need for transactional sacrifices, certain animals that needed to be sacrificed in certain ways for certain conditions, and only in the Temple where God was specially present. Throughout Paul’s letters, we see tension between Jewish Christians who still thought that such sacrifices were necessary, as well as other prescribed observances like circumcision, and who still were attached to the life of the Temple and synagogue, versus the Gentile Christians who saw no need for continuing a system that seemed to be a relic of the time before their Messiah came to usher in a new age. After the destruction of the Temple, everyone had to re-think the system. Most of the Jewish sects collapsed, leaving only the Pharisees. Meanwhile, Gentile Christians had no particular attachment to Jewish traditions, much less to Jerusalem, so they were freed to follow the Way that Jesus Christ had taught them through his apostles.

At any rate, in April of 70 CE, just before Passover, the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem and laid siege. Jewish factions within Jerusalem fought amongst themselves, weakening their defense. On August 30, the Romans finally overwhelmed the defenders and set fire to the Temple. Over the following month, fighting continued and ultimately, all of Jerusalem was burned to the ground.

We are conditioned to believe that fire is bad. In fact, around my department on campus, I strongly discourage people from using the “F” word after we had an actual fire in 2016. That fire in our building was hugely expensive, and not just financially. Everything was saturated with smoke; all of the carpet and ceiling tiles had to be replaced, as well as much of the HVAC equipment and some of the classroom equipment. But fire can also be restorative. Consider wildfires. If you are living in the urban fringe and a wildfire threatens your home, sure, it’s very bad. But in many ecosystems, fire is actually a necessary part of the life cycle. Fire clears away the dead wood and debris. Where I hunt in Colorado, there is a mountainside that suffered a wildfire a decade or so ago. Now, you can see the damage, but you can also see that aspens have completely filled the space that was left. Prairies require periodic fires to cause certain seeds to germinate.

Most animals fear fire, but humans long ago learned to control and use fire. Early agrarian societies saw the way prairies and woodlands responded to fire and used it to create farmland and to renew their fields after harvest. We use fire every day to cook our food and heat our homes and workplaces and power our cars. Industry is built on fire, from primitive forges and glass blowing furnaces to modern coal-fired power plants. Fire is a tool. Like any tool, it can be dangerous when used incorrectly, but it is also an essential component of modern society.

Malachi said, “See, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” Many people read these kinds of eschatological writings and identify with the evildoers. They fear the day of the Lord at the end of the age, worried that they won’t make the cut. Like I said last week, they’re afraid that they haven’t earned enough on God’s ACT and will be burned up. But really, apocalyptic writings are supposed to bring us comfort. They are supposed to remind us that no matter what happens, no matter how much evildoers seem to succeed in this world, in the end, God wins. In the end, God will remove evil from all Creation and form Christ’s peaceable kingdom. God’s fire is the restorative work of the Spirit, burning away all of the evil within us and purifying each one of us.

Jesus’s friends said, Look how awesome the Temple is! Jesus said, Everything is temporary. The Temple is nice, sure, but one day, it will be destroyed. One day, there will be wars, and earthquakes, and famines, and plagues. But you know what? That doesn’t matter. Whatever happens, I will be there with you. My words will never pass away, but will live within you.

This is one of those days. Today, there are wars, and earthquakes, and famines, and plagues. Today, there are believers being put out of their churches and separated from God’s kingdom. Today, there are Christians around the world being persecuted. Today, there are churches that are struggling to survive. We are indeed living in the end times.

Everyone, everywhere, throughout history, for the two thousand years since Jesus’s death and for two thousand or ten thousand more years to come, has lived through or will live through their own end times. And yet, Christ’s kingdom survives. It is here among us, wherever and whenever we come together in Christ’s name. The Day of the Lord comes and the fire of God’s wrath burns away the evil within us each. As Solzhenitsyn said, “The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.” Jesus will kindle his fire and burn away whatever doesn’t serve his kingdom, like a refiner’s fire. He will purify each one of us and put his words in our hearts.

Jesus said, the tribulations that will come upon each of us will be an opportunity to testify. If we trust our own intellect and our own wisdom to guide us through the time of trial, maybe we’ll do well, maybe we won’t. But if we trust in Jesus Christ to lead us, to show us the right path, to give us words and wisdom, then nobody and nothing can stand against us.

These are the end times. But what comes after the end is not death and destruction, but new life in Jesus. Let us seek to trust that God will carry us through the end and into a new beginning, freed from the constraints of everything that doesn’t serve the coming kingdom, freed from hate and anger and resentment and jealousy, filled instead with the deep love that is God’s wisdom. Amen.

If You Believe In Forever…

Preached at First Presbyterian Church of Rolla on All Saints’ Sunday. Based on Luke 20:27-38.

To modern ears, this whole notion of a widow marrying her dead husband’s brother is just weird, or perhaps repulsive. Let’s spend a little bit of time trying to understand what’s going on. In that time and place, women were most certainly second-class citizens. There were some who had wealth, but by and large, women didn’t own property. They were essentially dependent on the men in their lives: first their fathers, then their husbands, then their sons. I can’t say that marriage had nothing to do with love, but certainly, marriage was centered on practical necessities. Men would get together and make appropriate arrangements for women.

Meanwhile, inheritance laws favored sons as well. When a man died, his sons would inherit his property and would continue the family line. If a man died without a son, and certainly if he died without any children, then who would inherit?

To address the issues of care for women and continuation of the family, levirate marriage was introduced. That’s what the Sadducees were talking about. If a man died without a son, then his widow would marry his brother. Any son who issued from that marriage would be considered the son of the deceased man. He would be expected to take care of his mother and to inherit the deceased man’s property.

This is kind of strange, right? I mean, not only is it strange to modern ears, but also, it’s a tortuous way to deal with the fact that women were powerless. Wouldn’t it be better if women could just fend for themselves? That way, they wouldn’t need a man to take care of their needs. If they were widowed, they could inherit their husband’s property and go on living.

That’s how Jesus describes the resurrection. He says, essentially, Look, you people are going to all these lengths to deal with a problem that has a fairly simple solution. Instead of levirate marriage, or indeed any marriage, being needed to care for disempowered women, all people will be supported by God.

The four Gospels have recurring discussions of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven. Let’s assume for today that those are synonyms and look specifically at what the author of today’s text had to say about God’s kingdom. First and foremost, the kingdom of God is good news! In particular, it is good news for the poor, who shall inherit the kingdom. Entering the kingdom of God requires single-minded perseverance and is costly, but at the same time, it’s the outgrowth of something small like a mustard seed. It requires childlike faith, and wealth can be a barrier to entering it. It is here now, in our midst, but is also yet to come. It’s an already-but-not-yet transformation of Creation.

Complicated, right? Taken together, these disparate perspectives are teaching us that the kingdom of God is just different from what we know. It’s a different form of existence that can only be explained in paradox. Let me read to you from Luke 13, verses 29-30. “Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and take their places at the banquet in the kingdom of God. Indeed, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” Jesus taught that people will come from all over the world to God’s banquet table, while social hierarchies would be overturned.

There is a recurring theme in the Old Testament that the Israelites were special. They were specially chosen by God to be a priestly people. They failed in their task and were exiled, but then God relented and re-established them. So there was a presumption that they would be first in God’s kingdom. Yet Jesus taught that the “last shall be first and the first shall be last.” He was trying to get them to understand that God’s ways are not like our ways. You cannot earn your way into heaven by following some rules, like the Jewish power structure at the time was teaching. Instead, God chooses who will eat at his table, and chooses people from north and south and east and west.

Let me give you an analogy. You’re all familiar with the ACT and SAT, right? The ACT is scored on a 36-point scale. The higher your score, the more likely you are to get into a good college, though there are other factors involved as well. Supposing you get into college, you need to work hard and learn, so that you can be successful after college, and continue to learn and work all through your life.

Well, suppose instead that your ACT score determined your whole life. Not just in some metaphorical sense, but literally. Suppose that if you earn a 30 or above, you are given a mansion and a credit card that you never need to pay off, but if you score below a 30, you are thrown out into the streets, penniless and naked. There is no second chance, no change to your circumstances after the test is over.

Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? Now, some among us would be OK with that plan because we would be “in.” But I personally couldn’t live with the thought that 93% of the population would be irredeemably doomed to a life of squalor. I don’t think anyone who proposed such a plan would ever be elected to the school board or city council, let alone emperor of the world.

And yet, that’s something like what a lot of churches preach. They say, be careful what you do in this world, or else you’ll be doomed to eternal torture in the fires of hell. Or maybe, they say you have to pray a certain prayer, which would be more like getting one specific question on the ACT correct. Can you imagine a world in which one question, asked and answered while you’re a teenager, determines your whole life trajectory, with no hope of change?

Now imagine that instead of living to be 60 or 80 or even 100 years old, we all live to be 1000 years old. How much more ridiculous does this become? Make one mistake as a teenager and suffer for 1000 years?

Well, if you believe in forever, then this life is just a blink of an eye. I cannot believe in a God who would decide eternal glory or eternal damnation on the basis of what we do in a few short years. I think people who preach that just can’t imagine eternity. If we are raised to eternal life, then even 1000 years is as a day.

So, why are we here? If the purpose of this life isn’t to decide whether we go to heaven or hell, then why bother with it at all? Well, I compare it to school. We have a few short years to learn as much as we can. We learn how to treat each other and how we want to be treated. We learn to appreciate the pleasures and pains of these clay jars that contain our eternal treasure. We have great loves and great heartbreaks. We carry all of those lessons into our next life.

As an aside, you may wonder why I go elk hunting every year. No, it’s not about the meat. The camaraderie is part of it, but just a small part. To really enjoy elk hunting, you have to have a real passion for suffering and misery. You spend a week or more being cold, wet, and tired, and push yourself to your absolute limits. Then, you know where those limits are.

It’s like a competitor I saw on American Ninja Warrior once, Jessie Graff. She got to the last obstacle, which was the Elevator Climb, where she had to climb up 35 feet using only her arms with two ropes that worked like an invisible ladder. She failed, but she was smiling the whole time. Afterwards, she said that she was pushing herself to her absolute limit and loved that feeling of using everything she had.

That’s why we’re here. We learn from those great loves and great heartbreaks, those pleasures and pains in our lives, and use them to transform the world to match God’s vision. Like schoolchildren, we cannot really achieve God’s vision, but we can push ourselves to the limit and see what is possible in this world.

Do you remember the song, “Rock and Roll Heaven,” by the Righteous Brothers? “If you believe in forever, then life is just a one-night stand. If there’s a rock and roll heaven, well, you know they have a hell of a band.” They sang about all of the great musicians who have entered God’s kingdom ahead of us. How amazing it will be! Someday, the Beatles will be reunited. Someday, we’ll hear all of the amazing things Jimi Hendrix has learned to do with a guitar. And not only that, someday, we’ll hear Mozart and Beethoven and Rachmaninoff performing their works. We’ll know how the psalms were meant to be sung. And that’s just scratching the surface.

Now, do I think all of those people prayed the sinner’s prayer and passed the test? No. Well, I don’t really know, but I certainly doubt Mozart and Beethoven did, since that wasn’t the prevailing theology at the time. Would it be heaven without them? Would it be heaven without my Uncle Dick, and Grandma Lois, and Grampa Pete—who I didn’t even meet, but I’ve heard so much about? I don’t think so. Heaven is a place of eternal joy; how can it be joyful without the people we love?

That’s why I believe we are all saints bound for heaven. Some people may take a little longer to get there. Some people may need to keep on learning after they die. But hey, eternity is a long time, right?

But let’s try not to be people who need to spend 1000 years in remedial education. Let’s focus on learning all that we can about living with each other, about sharing God’s love, about loving God with all our heart and mind and strength, about loving our neighbor as ourselves, in this life. Then one day, we’ll know how we did, and where we still fall short, but our savior, Jesus Christ, will keep teaching us, keep showing us his way of love, while we dine at table in his eternal kingdom. Amen.