The World’s Most Dangerous Person

Last week was my rotation on the Faith page of the Phelps County Focus. I didn’t really consider the juxtaposition of the title of my article and my photo! Please read the article here:

The World’s Most Dangerous Person

Here’s a teaser:

A common belief in modern society is that there is no objective Truth, only “your truth” and “my truth.” All truth is relative, and morals are socially constructed. While this sounds like a path to freedom, with nobody to tell you what you should believe, moral relativism has been a tool of authoritarians throughout the past century or so. If truth is flexible, then it might as well be the truth as determined by the strongest. 

As Christians, we assert that there is an objective Truth. There is some divine ordering purpose to the world. There is some absolute moral code that is common to all humanity. So, the goal is to discover this Truth and apply it to your life. 

Where things go awry… (Continue reading)