Ash Wednesday 2024

Below is a lightly edited announcement that I made at First Presbyterian Church of Rolla on February 11, 2024, regarding our Ash Wednesday service.

The Stoics have a saying, “Memento mori,” which means, “Remember death.” It’s their way of remembering that death is inevitable, so we need to appreciate the present. This week, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We will have a short service in the back of the sanctuary where I will impose ashes with words drawn from Genesis, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return.” This is our way of remembering that death is inevitable and to spend the next six weeks in penitence and prayer. We’ve had a few reminders of death lately. Last week, we learned that the Reads lost their daughter, Karen. Then on Friday two days ago, we learned that the Looks lost DC. Yesterday, I found out that my aunt passed away. I won’t pretend to remember or even know all of the loved ones that we have all lost recently, and nobody can ever truly know the grief another person is experiencing.

However, we end this season of Epiphany with a vision of Jesus glorified, shining radiantly on a mountaintop. We will also end the season of Lent with an even more glorious vision, of our risen Lord who conquered sin and death. Unlike the Stoics, we have faith that this world is not the end. We have a hope that in this life we see as through a glass darkly, but one day, we will see God face to face.

So join us this Wednesday to enter the season of Lent with the proper respect for the sinfulness, brokenness, and pain of this world, and our own sinfulness. But at the same time, remember that the things of this world are passing away as God reconciles and restores all things. And remember that we can experience a foretaste of the kingdom of God right here and now, but will one day enjoy God’s reign in all of its fullness.